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Internship Experience - Ruqaiya Murtaza

This past semester, I interned at IM Designs, a creative design studio. This internship was based in Indore, India. I heard about this opportunity through lots of hard research and was excited to learn about motion graphics with them. It definitely was beyond what I expected, and each day brought multiple surprises and a new outlook on the things I thought I knew.

Practical experience is the best, and internships give students that hands-on experience they need. Quality internships are essential to develop key skills that you can't get in a classroom. Skills such as multitasking, communicating, and dealing with deadlines are different when you are working for under someone and not yourself like in college. My boss and co-workers were wonderful guides for me in this maze.

Some of my projects were more concept based while others were client related (though nothing extremely major). Some days were lighter, where I would be more focused on ideating and improving what I had previously created. What I found most interesting was how I was able to grow and expand in tasks I was originally unfamiliar with. Ultimately, I learned how important in-depth research and proper ideation is in this field.

There was a patch in between my internship where all of us had gone for a workcation to Goa. Those are the days I will never be able to forget. Being my first internship this whole thing excited me beyond belief. It was over there that the bonds with my colleagues fully cemented.

As a whole I believe that this internship was successful in furthering my knowledge in the field of designing. While being immersed in a company 54 hours a week for three months, I saw the pressure of deadlines, importance of appearance, the value of being a self-motivator and the joy of loving your job.

What was most valuable to me was the connection I felt with the people I was working with. I learned so much from them through our bonding sessions and just observing how all their different styles merged. I would never have learned some of the most important things of animation and motion graphics without this experience and it has truly amended my viewpoint about my major. I also cherished the opportunity to meet and interact with all the lovely people working there, who showed me that anything is possible as long as you have coffee.

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